List of Apprenticeship Providers

Barber Apprenticeship Providers
NameSorted By Name In Ascending OrderLocationPhoneEmail
Andrew BlaneyMonongalia County(304) 276-4464
Bilal AdamsMonongalia County(304) 444-5771
Danilo CaraballoBerkeley County(917) 891-4538
Dometrius Woodson IIKanawha County(304) 222-5577
Donald SnyderRaleigh and Cabell County(304) 894-1080
Jason LongOhio County(304) 280-4609
Lloyd ScalphFayette County(304) 574-3678 
Michael CollinsJefferson County(304) 725-0123 
Steven Turner IIMonongalia County(681) 331-8901
Travis FranciscoMercer County(304) 887-5226
Cosmetology Apprenticeship Providers
NameSorted By Name In Ascending OrderLocationPhoneEmail
Ashleanne LoftinUpshur County(681) 622-1349
Chrystal StewartRitchie County(304) 966-1477
Deborah HarrisonBerkeley County(304) 886-2188
Erica HinkleyKanawha County(304) 533-3000
Jennifer CooperBerkeley County(304) 839-1669
Lisa BrowningJefferson County(304) 930-1236
Melinda KotaRandolph County(304) 940-6528
Stacy ShiresMonroe County(304) 646-9683
Tonya WilsonKanawha County(304) 444-8924

Copyright 2025 by West Virginia Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists